Since the dawn of time, men and women have had a symbiotic relationship in which men were hunter-gatherers and women were caretakers. However, we’ve come a long way since early human existence.
Researchers have reconstructed the oldest human genomes ever found in South Africa from two people who lived around 10,000 ...
Hadza women gather berries and baobab fruit and ... the Sukuma, the Iramba—are hunter-gatherers. They live in mud huts, often surrounded by livestock enclosures. Many of them look down on ...
women and children, there are now thought to be only 200-300 pure hunter gatherers, who grow no food and practise no form of agriculture. These Hadza find farmers a curious and amusing lot.
An analysis of around a dozen teenagers who lived during the Paleolithic reveals that they hit puberty around the same time ...
So how do hunter-gatherers get energy when there’s no meat? It turns out that “man the hunter” is backed up by “woman the forager,” who, with some help from children, provides more ...
Our prehistoric ancestors are 'suddenly a lot closer' ESPN fires Sam Ponder, who spoke up about trans inclusion in women's sports, and analyst Robert Griffin III I quit my job at 55 and moved to ...
As technology accelerates progress, a paradox emerges: digital nomadism is unraveling humanity back to its hunter-gatherer ...
It's a conch shell that was found in a hunter-gatherer cave in southern France. The artefact is the oldest known wind instrument of its type. To date, only bone flutes can claim a deeper heritage.
Pfeiffer, Susan Cameron, Michelle E. Sealy, Judith and Beresheim, Amy C. 2019. Diet and adult age‐at‐death among mobile foragers: A synthesis of bioarcheological ...
People who never had an opportunity (or dare I say the privilege) to have pets in their lives may not understand what the ...