We now know that black holes occur frequently throughout the universe. One Sagittarius A* sits at the center of our galaxy, ...
Astronomers have spotted a massive pair of jets releasing material from a distant black hole. The jets are so large they span ...
It's thought the asteroid will circle Earth until the end of November, before moving on to other parts of the Milky Way.
The James Webb Space Telescope has taken things to the extreme, studying the outer edge of our own galaxy, the Milky Way and ...
How large can black hole jets become? This is what a recent study published in Nature hopes to address as an international team of researchers investigated | Space ...
The largest-ever black hole jets ever seen hint that these cosmic monsters may play an even more significant role in shaping ...
Astronomers have identified the largest black hole jet structure known, named Porphyrion, stretching 23 million light-years ...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has provided groundbreaking data from near the edge of the solar system, revealing the cosmic ...
"The most exciting part of the HSC was the discovery of 11 objects at distances beyond the known Kuiper Belt," said Yoshida.
Astronomers have observed three types of black holes in the universe. Stellar-mass black holes formed from the collapse of a ...
New observations from the MeerKAT radio survey suggest our estimates of the cosmic dipole effect are actually in line with ...
NGC 6744 is a spiral galaxy bigger than, but otherwise very similar to, our own. NASA has dubbed the large spiral galaxy the ...