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So far their prototype uses a nickel-63 source, but they hope to instead take carbon-14 from the huge number of stockpiled graphite blocks from old reactors, and use it to create radioactive ...
But this led to the actual deactivation of the plant’s safety systems which created a massive steam explosion and an open-air ...
The management of radioactive graphite waste is one of the major challenges of nuclear power plant decommissioning throughout the world, particularly in the UK, as well as in France and Russia. More ...
By Julian James Nuclear reactors use graphite, a form of carbon, to regulate radioactive reactions. During this process, some of the graphite becomes radioactive and contains carbon-14 ...
One of the primary challenges in managing irradiated graphite waste is the effective decontamination of radioactive elements. A comprehensive review highlighted several treatment technologies ...
Chernobyl (1986) was caused by design flaws and operator error, spewing radioactive graphite and clouds all over Ukraine, Belarus and reaching as far as Sweden – the first country to detect ...
Recent work with chemical leaching and thermal treatment has removed impurities and reduced the activity of radioactive graphite cores. We are improving understanding of irradiated graphite, enabling ...