Protagonist Mahmoud is a high school teacher, who lives with his entire family in a tiny apartment. The landlord is desperately trying to force them out to the point of enlisting the devil’s help.
"Le Pied de Mouton" is an adaptation of an old French stage play titled "The Talisman" written by Alphonse Martainville and César Ribié. The atmosphere is hilarious, oneiric and delicious.
Stephen King recently revealed on social media that his is “beavering away” on a third novel in The Talisman horror fantasy ...
Those who have read King for a while know that that is referencing a few of Stephen King's most beloved books with The Dark ...
In der Horrorkomödie Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls sehnt sich der Hobby-Okkultist Marcus (Andrew Bowser), oder Onyx the Fortuitous, wie er sich selbst nennt, nach einem neuen Leben.