Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things do what they would not otherwise have done.
There are 41.6 million blacks in America, so $14 trillion in reparations would work out at $336538 per person. Yet that is still peanuts compared to San Francisco, which plans to give everyone who ...
DC event highlights Tamaki as an ally of the peace movement, despite restraints. Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki is in Washington D ...
Their bank accounts were too large for local banks to handle. Thus was the public banking movement born. The impressive ...
There have been 52,058 arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds — including those convicted of domestic violence.
I'm asking for just one dollar. thepeoplesvoice.org takes over 45,000 hits each day. If only a few of you would give just one dollar we could repair the site. Please, won't you give just one dollar?
Harris is hellbent on strengthening hate-speech (thought-control) laws, which is entirely antithetical to Free Speech. This ...
While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend? 17% Yes, 69% No, 14% Not sure. That figure includes 28% of ...
In a unexpected turn of events, it seems that the social media platform X did not take its blocking by Brazilian authorities lying down, and made changes that led to users in the country having access ...
Few realize how close they came to actualizing the scenario so horrifyingly spelled out in Annie Jacobsen’s alarming must-read book, Nuclear War: A Scenario. 72 minutes. That is all it takes to end ...
It’s not a game-changer, but a gamble to either de-escalate or escalate the conflict in ways that advance Israel’s interests as Bibi perceives them to be, which is why a continuation of the status quo ...
Japanese researchers have published a pre-print paper that warns about the risks associated with using blood from COVID-19-vaccinated people for blood transfusions and are calling on medical ...