Whether you are an adult with care and support needs or an unpaid carer, we work with you following guidelines detailed in the Care Act 2014 to identify if you have any eligible needs. Adult Social ...
To permit the sale of alcohol on and off the premises, 7am – 11pm Monday to Friday. A record of this application is held by the City of London and can be viewed by members of the public on this ...
The City of London Corporation is the highway authority for all the streets in the City of London except for the Red Routes which are managed by Transport for London.
The City of London Wards find their origins in the Middle Ages. At the time, small areas within a city were able to act as self-governing communities with their own assemblies (wardmote) and systems ...
Monday 1 April 11°C 10.5°C 10°C- ...
Epping Forest is one of very few large, ancient forests in this part of Britain and has lots of rare or important habitats like ancient semi-natural woodland, wood-pasture, old grassland plains, ...
If you have a business rate account with the City of London Corporation, you can register to view your account details online. Within this service you will be able to download PDF copies of your bills ...
The 'Take' part of the event is between 1-3pm. The first hour is only open to City residents who must provide proof of residency. 2-3pm is open to the public. Bring along your old technology that you ...
Providing government, regulators, sector bodies and employers with a five-point pathway intended to boost socio-economic diversity at senior levels in UK financial and professional services. It's been ...
Hampstead Heath has 47 'byelaws'. These laws are just for the Heath - on top of normal UK laws - and they help us to look after the Heath and its users. Byelaws are like normal laws. If you break them ...
The City of London Corporation's Transport Strategy was first published in 2019. This has since been updated and the Transport Strategy Second Edition can be found attached below. Our streets are ...
The City of London works closely with practitioners, trade associations and other stakeholders in order to shape the future direction of financial services policy. The Corporation advocates for open ...