We now know that black holes occur frequently throughout the universe. One Sagittarius A* sits at the center of our galaxy, ...
Two mighty beams of energy have been detected shooting in opposite directions from a supermassive black hole inside a distant ...
Strange Universe Like a parasite sucking the life force out of its host, an international group of scientists have determined ...
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
The eruptions span 23 million light-years from end to end, which is equivalent to lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies back to ...
Astronomers have spotted a massive pair of jets releasing material from a distant black hole. The jets are so large they span ...
A new paper explores the idea of asteroid-sized objects that may be causing gravitational ripples in our cosmic neighborhood.
Astronomers have spotted the biggest pair of black hole jets ever seen, spanning 23 million light-years in total length. That ...
At the heart of that galaxy was a black hole spewing energy equivalent to the output of more than a trillion stars. “The Milky Way would be a little dot in these two giant eruptions,” said Martijn Oei ...
Black holes are one of the most mysterious cosmic phenomena, despite how much we continue to learn about them. While considered a mathematical possibility for many years, the first black hole wasn’t ...
XRISM allowed astronomers to track plasma as it circled the supermassive black hole at a distance of around 0.1 light-years ...
Astronomers have detected a supermassive black hole starving its galaxy of gas, halting star formation in the early universe.