Longer, more clement summers mean olive groves could soon become a familiar sight in southern England - with one Essex farmer ...
Huge investment in English Sparkling wine is coming from a place where no-one is ever likely to buy it: France.
Between the space now being taken up by the business’s expanded kitchen and an increased demand for both food and beverages, ...
Trader Joe's signature wine brand, Charles Shaw (or Two-Buck Chuck, familiarly), has kept its famously low price point for ...
Armenia’s brandies represent outstanding quality and value, especially ultra-aged ones. Here are backgrounds and tasting ...
Although many people don't associate grapes with being high in vitamin C, Self Nutrition Data reports that they actually contain more than a quarter of the vitamin C you need in a day. Grapes are also ...
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If you are a wine lover, you may have seen, or even tried, a natural wine. They’ve been gaining a following for years, and the holidays could be a nice time to see what they’re about.
Europe's vineyards, the main suppliers of sparkling wines, were not spared the effects of extreme weather conditions ...
Growing up in an Italian immigrant family, home-produced wine was a part of family meals. Crushing and pressing grapes, ...
The groundbreaking, decade-long study offers evidence on how the modern wine industry can bolster its resilience to climate ...
HOPEWELL, NY — Finger Lakes Community College has launched an online program that makes its education and training programs ...