Jackson Williamson was 3 months old when he was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder, suffering up to 200 seizures a day. The ...
Human milk offers exceptional benefits for an infant’s brain development, extending beyond nutritional needs. Its unique ...
Women lose grey matter during pregnancy, a study exploring the “baby brain” phenomenon has found. Some women experience ...
IT SEEMS pregnancy brain really does exist – as scans shed light on exactly how much having a baby can change the brain.
For the first time, scientists have mapped the human brain during pregnancy and witnessed the stages of this metamorphosis.
So, what actually causes baby brain? The 2022 study found that there is a strong relationship between the surges in pregnancy ...
The study's lead researcher, Mahesh Narayan, puts it best: "By understanding molecular mechanisms of how nanoplastics and ...
New wearable brain imaging device reveals how infants process social stimuli, offering insights into early neurodevelopment.
As hormones surge, some brain areas shrink in what scientists say may be a fine-tuning that helps mothers bond with and care ...
For the first time, scientists are able to map the whole brain of a baby at once whilst it is being entertained. | ITV ...
A wearable brain scanner for babies has been successfully trialed by scientists from UCL and Birkbeck Toddler and Baby Lab, ...
It's the first time that this scan has been done. The lead researcher said, “sciences have historically ignored women’s ...