Despite Jenkins’ valiant efforts to infuse the story with visual grace and thematic weight, the film ultimately feels like another Disney product designed more for franchise expansion than for storyte ...
"Mufasa: The Lion King" is a prequel to the first live-action adaptation of "The Lion King", and it serves as an origin story that delves into the early life of Simba's father, the titular Mufasa ...
The Lion King, she had no idea that the submission would be for consideration to become the beloved queen Sarabi, but like ...
Mufasa: The Lion King, as its title suggests, is the story of Simba’s father, the great and noble king of the pride lands. But it could equally be subtitled: how Rafiki got his stick ...
The film stars Aaron Pierre as Mufasa ... Simba, and Moira Kelly as Nala. The score was composed by Hans Zimmer, while Elton John and Tim Rice composed the soundtrack. The sequel to Lion King ...