Toho Animation has released a new teaser trailer for upcoming anime series My Hero Academia: Vigilantes. It’ll start airing in Japan on April 7, 2025.
December saw the reveal of an anime adapting My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, and now that release date has been locked in!
Vigilantes will be making its anime debut this Spring, and a new trailer is showing off more of what to expect ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is set to premiere on April 7, 2025, in Japan. While it hasn’t been confirmed where it will stream internationally, Crunchyroll seems like a safe bet considering it ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is one of the most awaited anime releases of 2025. It is based on the spin-off of the same name.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is one of the most awaited anime releases of 2025. It is based on the spin-off of the same name.
A new trailer for My Hero Academia prequel anime Vigilantes has landed, and it's packed with action.
Syrian football ushered in a new era post-Assad as the youth team played under a new anthem and new kit, while Hady Habib makes waves for Lebanese tennis.
With the UA motto of 'Plus Ultra' shouted repeatedly throughout My Hero Academia, it is no wonder that the anime has some of ...
Characters like Hatsume Mei and Nezu use brains over brawn. Saiko Intelli showcases strategic brilliance, Momo's leadership ...