Randhir Kapoor and Babita visited Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's house. Shraddha Kapoor makes a visit to gym. Here are the celebrity sightings of the day.
Saif Ali Khan’s friend, Afsar Zaidi has broken his silence on reports suggesting that the actor was brought to the hospital by him. Read on to know the actual truth.
The seventh season of Outlander wrapped up just the other week. There's only one more season to go, and cast members like Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser) already fil ...
The new series from Starz and Channel 4, The Couple Next Door, kicks off with a nod to Desperate Housewives but quickly veers off that comparison. Despite its intriguing premise, the show falls short ...
Sunrise on the Reaping,’ the Michael Jackson biopic and ‘Ballerina’ are among studio titles headed to Starz's premium channels and services.