The curious asymmetry of WASP-107 b presents astronomers with a conundrum. "This is the first time the east-west asymmetry of any exoplanet has ever been observed from space as it transits its star," ...
Astronomers used NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to detect atmospheric asymmetry in the exoplanet WASP-107b. This ...
Hubble Space Telescope imagery Neptune has revealed that the planet's clouds are disappearing. Credit: NASA Goddard Space ...
NGC 604: At mid-infrared wavelengths, the Webb Telescope was able to capture this star-forming region consisting of more than ...
A deep field image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and ...
For 34 years, the Hubble Telescope has been orbiting space, each day sending new information back to Earth. Now, the ...
Yet another distant world has come to sharper focus thanks to the collective scientific muscle of citizen scientists.
Astrophotographer Felix Schöfbänker used a 14-inch Dobsonian telescope to capture the image of the satellite, which is known ...
NASA has shared some stunning images of space. Here we unveil the Caldwell 78, Ring Nebula, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, UGC ...
Follow-up observations with optical telescopes traced the eruption to a galaxy 7.5 billion ... Inward pressure from this accretion disk can squeeze some of the energy outward across space. That’s what ...
Astronomers have created a three-dimensional map of WASP_107b's 'puffed-up' atmosphere using NASA's James Webb Space ...
The 'popcorn planet' is back in the spotlight! Using the James Webb Space Telescope, a team of international astronomers has ...