Social service providers recommended Thursday that the city and state maintain their current supply of shelter beds as ...
Second gentleman Doug Emhoff has slammed Donald Trump over antisemitic comments made by the former president. In a new ...
Nearly two-thirds of the public trees in town do not require any action at this time, while about 17% should be monitored regularly. About 10% should be pruned for clearance issues, a little over 3% ...
The New York Philharmonic and its musicians' union settled on a collective bargaining agreement Thursday that includes a 30% raise over three years.
A pro-Palestinian protestor wearing a keffiyeh scarf has been charged with violating a suburban New York City county’s new law banning face masks in public, reviving fears from opponents that the ...
美國職棒 道奇隊日籍球星 大谷翔平 ,今天締造新紀錄,寫下51轟、51盜里程碑,幫助道奇隊以20比4打爆馬林魚,確定連12年進季後賽。(戚海倫報導) ...
台積電2022年赴美國亞利桑那州設5奈米廠,當時有超過千名台灣廠區工程師攜家帶眷,「降薪」陸續前往美國,而員工更爆料,許多台積電員工的太太在當地生下了美國寶寶,兩年來累計超過200名新生兒。當年《BBC》曾採訪台積電工程師,受訪者坦言「我目標很清晰, ...
隨著蘋果推出新一代作業系統iOS 18,為iPhone加入不少新功能,對手Google也準備以Android 15迎戰,並預告將會在10月正式推出,近期外媒《AndroidHeadlines》爆料指出,Android ...
根據《CNN》報導,以色列人質埃丹(Edan Alexander)的父親阿迪(Adi ...
在委內瑞拉現任總統馬杜洛(Nicolas Maduro)宣稱從爭議性大選中勝出後,歐洲議會(European Parliament)19日通過一項決議案,承認委內瑞拉反對派候選人龔薩雷斯(Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia)為該國合法總統。 這項投票不具約束力,也不反映歐盟成員國的立場,這項投票是歐洲議會中右翼議員與新的極右翼集團聯手推動的,此舉受到左翼的譴責。 目前已逃往西班牙的龔 ...