This morning at CSIS, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sat down with CSIS's Kathleen Mclnnis, Senior Fellow of the ...
Papers Analysis and Policy Recommendations China's Industrial Policymaking Process Huawei Lenovo Suntech Shanghai Auto China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock About The growth of the Chinese economy, ...
In a concerted effort to expand Taiwan’s presence across the Indo-Pacific, President Tsai Ing-wen has introduced the New Southbound Policy (NSP) to strengthen Taipei’s relationships with the ten ...
A major study over a four-year period, the BG-N project makes recommendations for adapting the U.S. national security structure to meet the challenges of a new strategic era The Beyond ...
Eric L. Hirschhorn served as the under secretary of commerce for industry and security until 2017, heading the Bureau of Industry and Security under President Barack Obama. Mr. Hirschhorn oversaw the ...
General Michael Hayden is a retired four-star general who served as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) when the course of world events was ...
A case-study approach to understanding the political economy of successful low-carbon development strategies Energy Transitions: Low-Carbon Pathways for Growth and Sustainability examined how ...
Major General Fran Mahon retired from the U.S. Army after 34 years of service and is an independent consultant in the aerospace and defense arena. A career air and missile defense officer, he has ...
China's strategic relationship with Central Asia has grown expansively over the past decade, symbolized by both the 1996 founding of the "Shanghai Five," which in June 2001 became the Shanghai ...
The China Power Project offers annual executive training programs for government ministries of defense and foreign affairs from the Asia-Pacific region. Each program brings 15-20 mid-level foreign ...
Reuben Jeffery III most recently served as U.S. under secretary of state for economic, energy, and agricultural affairs, the senior economic position at the State Department. He advised the secretary ...