Bubble use evolved in many small invertebrates to enable underwater breathing, but, until recently, there has been no evidence that vertebrate animals use bubbles in a similar manner. Only one group ...
Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is one of the most isolated inhabited places in the world. It has captured the imagination of many owing to its archaeological record, which includes megalithic ...
This milestone promises to enhance our understanding of the Sun’s atmosphere and how its changing conditions lead to impacts on our technology-dependent society. Earth’s magnetic field shields us from ...
Using images from the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft, planetary scientists have spotted a fresh volcano with multiple lava flows and volcanic deposits covering an area about 180 x ...
In 2015, archaeologists discovered the fossilized remains of a Neanderthal individual at Grotte Mandrin, a rockshelter located in Mediterranean France directly overhanging the Rhône River Valley.
These giant, hot bubbles of gas on the surface of R Doradus are approximately 75 times the size of our Sun, according to a paper published in the journal Nature. R Doradus is located approximately 178 ...
A team of researchers from Finland and Norway has identified two potential antivirulence compounds for enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infections among bacterial metabolites harvested from ...
Archaeologists have discovered an ancient submerged stone bridge in Genovesa Cave on Mallorca, the main island of the Balearic Archipelago and the sixth largest in the Mediterranean Sea. The discovery ...
Astrophysicists with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration have conducted test observations achieving the highest resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth, by detecting light ...
Mars’ water history is fundamental to understanding an evolution of Earth-like planets. Water escapes to space as atoms, and hydrogen (H) atoms escape faster than deuterium (D) — which is a hydrogen ...
Although Venus is sometimes referred to as Earth’s twin, its current surface conditions are drastically different, making it inhospitable to life. Not only is liquid water unable to exist due to the ...
A team of paleontologists led by Southern Methodist University has discovered more than 260 footprints of Early Cretaceous dinosaurs in Brazil and in Cameroon, showing where land-dwelling dinosaurs ...