Katherine Knight trained as a teacher of home economics before bringing up her four children. She ran the poetry writing club at the City Lit, Holborn for many years and has now transferred the ...
KEVIN CAHILL is an investigative journalist and author of ‘Who Owns Britain’ (Canongate) and ‘Who Owns the World (Penguin Random House). He was also the primary researcher behind The Sunday Times Rich ...
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COLM WALLACE is a native of Renvyle, Co. Galway. Married with four children, he works as a national school teacher locally and has completed a Masters in History at the University of Galway.
The Untold Story of Joseph Jakobs, the Last Person to be Executed in the Tower of London ...
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Back then, the word was a term used, not always positively, for those who lived unconventional lives. One of the most famous was Isabel Rawsthorne: artist, spy, pornographer, model and muse for some ...
How the Victorian Establishment was Almost Brought to its Knees ...
“Strangely I wasn’t scared, I probably should have been, but I was eighteen years old at the time and because we were half-expecting war to be announced I remember feeling quite calm.” This is Flight ...
Jonathan Swinton has a PhD in mathematics and has worked as a mathematical biologist for thirty years, including as a Visiting Professor in the University of Oxford and as a Fellow of King’s College, ...
Ian Hembrow, author of CELSIUS – A Life And Death By Degrees, reveals the bigger story behind the world’s increasingly frequent and ferocious summer wildfires. As I watched the television news, an ...
And other Rathlin Folk Tales from the Tommy Cecil Archive ...