But it’s not just people outside Indiana who can utilize the tourist bureau’s services. Anyone can visit the tourist bureau’s website, www.visitindianacountypa.org/, to promote or learn more about ...
Black ice is especially dangerous because you often don't know you're on it until you start slipping. Here's what to do if that happens.
Though Indianapolis may feel a brief reprieve from weeks of below-freezing temperatures Saturday, it won't last.
Investment companies own roughly one in two single-family rental homes in five Central Indiana counties. See which seven ...
Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston wants the nearly three-dozen Illinois counties that have voted to secede to consider redder pastures. “We think instead of seceding and creating a 51st state ...
Republicans in the Indiana statehouse have proposed legislation that would redraw the state border with Illinois and annex some southern counties to the Hoosier State.
An Indiana General Assembly bill filed by one of the state's most powerful lawmakers would set up a commission to "embrace" neighboring counties in Illinois that want to secede and join the ...
House Republicans are pursuing legislation that would allow the state to absorb disgruntled Illinois counties, shifting the Indiana-Illinois border, the caucus unveiled in a Tuesday morning news ...
As of late Friday morning, only 15 counties were ... Drivers in Central Indiana can check how safe the roads are online using INDOT's CARS Program, which has a map of Indy's current road ...