Those 16 and 17 can obtain a provider license, “as long as they are continuously supervised by a licensed provider and are not left alone with children.” ...
Though the state faces a critical child care shortage, the government has not made it easy to open new facilities. These are ...
Child care providers face such thin margins that eliminating licensing fees could help them keep their doors open.
The bill would allow single-owner child care companies or nonprofits, like YMCAs, to open multiple locations under one license.
An in-home provider must pay $30. A child care center must pay $125 for the first 12 children plus $12 for each additional child. The licensing fee for a center with 40 children would be $461.
The parents filed official complaints with Maine's Department of Health and Human Services, which led to an investigation.
About 70% of rural Illinoisans live in a child care desert, forcing tough choices on parents: Some drive 100 miles a day or more to find care, others leave the workforce.
With a steadfast demand for child care in Northumberland, the county has announced 50 children will move from waiting lists into care in January, with 82 more openings coming soon.
After nearly two years of work, the Dixon Family YMCA has opened its new Lovett Child Development Center. The new 15,000-square-foot child care facility at 1675 Fulfs Lane, Dixon, provides child care ...
About 30 bills have been filed as of Friday, Jan. 17 related to child care, pre-K and paid parental leave. Most of the bills ...
Providers said they’re concerned about a provision that would require certain facilities to become accredited.