Deva” revolves around a skilled but defiant police officer, who is investigating a major case. The officer discovers layers ...
After a violent crash left him injured in a ditch, two men with medical training stepped in an changed the officer's fate.
A former Sanger police officer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting four women that he met during the course of his job.
The Minneapolis City Council approved an ordinance Thursday allowing the city to charge fees to private businesses when cops ...
A federal jury convicted the ex-officer of eight counts of deprivation of constitutional rights under color of law, including ...
Rosenberg city council members gave Chief Jonathan White the go-ahead on Tuesday to add motorcycle cops to the police force.
Source: The Herald – Breaking news. Prosper Dembedza, Herald Correspondent A 31-YEAR-OLD man from Harare has appeared in ...
Now 87 years of age and fully retired, former Mathews Sheriff’s Deputy Byron “Sarge” Van Zile Jr. spent 64 years of his life ...
The system is clearly broken,” said Tonya McClary, head of the Citizens Police Oversight Commission. City officials are ...
Port Orchard police chief Matt Brown said. “As the community continues to bring more people there are always issues that they ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A two-day manhunt for the person who allegedly shot a downstate police officer ended Saturday night after the wanted man was shot and killed by an officer with the Louisville ...
The Emmy-winning actress spoke with Vanity Fair about her new show, which premieres March 13 and was based on a book by Temple professor Liz Moore.