An anime based on Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is currently in the works, with the series set for a 2027 release. The ...
Ghost of Tsushima will be getting an anime adaptation in 2027, and here's everything we know about the project so far.
Rahul Purini, president of Crunchyroll, said in a news release that the Ghost of Tsushima anime “will offer fans an exciting ...
Crunchyroll will be the exclusive home to a Ghost of Tsushima: Legends anime series, based on the PlayStation game's ...
A Ghost of Tsushima anime is officially in the works at Crunchyroll, with the series already in production and a release date ...
Crunchyroll is a joint venture between U.S.-based Sony Pictures Entertainment and Japan’s Aniplex, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan), both subsidiaries of Tokyo-based Sony Group.
Legends, the acclaimed samurai multiplayer game, is getting an anime adaptation from Crunchyroll and Sony for 2027.
Aniplex has announced an anime series based on the Sucker Punch Productions-developed PlayStation game Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. It will premiere on Crunchyroll in 2027. Takanobu Mizuno ...