Historically, Nuristan was known as Kafiristan, meaning “Land of the Infidels,” due to the indigenous inhabitants’ non-Muslim beliefs until the late 19th century. Today, it remains one of ...
Gardner fled, passing through the Pamirs, Xinjiang and Kashmir. He was the first European to visit Kafiristan in eastern Afghanistan, the remote region of the Hindu Kush where the native peoples clung ...
1. ‘Shampoo' (February 11) Starring: Warren Beatty (George Roundy), Julie Christie (Jackie Shawn), Goldie Hawn (Jill Haynes), Lee Grant (Felicia Karpf) Writer and Director: Written by Robert ...
A British wartime aviator who cheats death must argue for his life before a celestial court, hoping to prolong his fledgling romance with an American girl.
A German U-boat stalks the frigid waters of the North Atlantic as its young crew experience the sheer terror and claustrophobic life of a submariner in World War II.