When Mufasa, voiced by Aaron Pierre, and Taka, voiced by Kelvin Harrison, Jr., reach land, they encounter a lioness named Sarabi, voiced by Tiffany Boone, and her hornbill scout, Zazu, voiced by ...
From James Earl Jones’ moving farewell to a reimagined version of Pride Rock’s creation, Barry Jenkins’ Mufasa: The Lion King weaves countless references to Disney‘s beloved franchise throughout its ...
The Lion King,” the African landscapes bolder and brighter, but much remains the same in its horizonless empire. Just five ...
Blue's parents and grandmother, Tina Knowles, attended the LA premiere with her in December, and while her grandfather, ...
The invading white lions speak with a hint of Russian accents – their leader is a feline Putin. There are other simplistic ...
Two lion brothers, bound by a family legacy until jealousy and betrayal tore them apart, form the concept of “Mufasa: The ...
Like many critics, I despised the 2019 CGI version of “The Lion King.” The new animation was ugly and the rehashing of the story from the 1994 classic without many changes made the whole thing seem ...