In the Netflix series "La Palma," a Norwegian family goes on holiday to the Canary Islands when a young researcher discovers ...
In September 2023, a colossal landslide in East Greenland triggered a mega-tsunami in remote Dickson Fiord. The vibrations were felt around the world for nine consecutive days. For a year ...
In the Netflix series La Palma, a Norwegian family goes on holiday to the Canary Islands when a young researcher discovers ...
A mega tsunami more powerful than any recorded could clobber the Space Coast, some models predict. The extreme waves are among the low probability natural events Florida should expect and prepare for, ...
Japan’s 2011 tsunami affected both the rich coastal ecosystems of northeastern Japan and the local communities reliant upon them. The destruction to the landscape wreaked by the tsunami that ...
Dalton, Rex. 2007. “Blast in the past?” Nature 447: 256-257. Kerr, Richard. 2007. “Mammoth-killer impact gets mixed reception from Earth scientists.” Science 316: 1264-1265. Firestone, R.B ...
Cummins told Al Jazeera that, based on his study of geological faults around Sumatra and historical records, a new mega-tsunami could hit at any time, without warning. “A lot of people are going ...
Two major tsunami that swamped the east coast have been labelled a "missed opportunities", so what do we need to change to be ...
After the mega-tsunami hit Japan in 2011, survivors who'd lost everything struggled to recover. Many people lost not only their homes, but loved ones and livelihoods as well. Beloved traditions ...
A mega tsunami more powerful than any recorded could clobber the Space Coast, some models predict. The extreme waves are among the low probability natural events Florida should expect and prepare ...