Toho Animation has released a new teaser trailer for upcoming anime series My Hero Academia: Vigilantes. It’ll start airing in Japan on April 7, 2025.
Vigilantes will be making its anime debut this Spring, and a new trailer is showing off more of what to expect ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is set to premiere on April 7, 2025, in Japan. While it hasn’t been confirmed where it will stream internationally, Crunchyroll seems like a safe bet considering it ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is one of the most awaited anime releases of 2025. It is based on the spin-off of the same name.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is one of the most awaited anime releases of 2025. It is based on the spin-off of the same name.
A new trailer for My Hero Academia prequel anime Vigilantes has landed, and it's packed with action.