The Vampire Diaries aired between 2009-2017 and centered around a love triangle between human-turned-vampire Elena Gilbert ...
Shot and set in the Crescent City, this season of the horror series even contains a winking nod to local culture that's ...
The Next Generation would be the role that would change her career forever. Playing the part of "Mia", the Bulgarian-Canadian ...
Robert Eggers’ vampire horror Nosferatu scared up a £3.1m opening weekend at the UK-Ireland box office, with an impressive £5 ...
She was discovered in 1987 in Less than Zero starring opposite Robert Downey Jr. The following year, she got her most memorable role in the vampire drama The Lost Boys Though. Gertz, as a lead ...
After emotionally announcing that she had cancer, Elisabeth Finch began turning up for work - pale, ill and obviously shaken ...
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AMC’s Mayfair Witches, adapted from Anne Rice’s Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy, has captured viewers with its intricate storytelling and darkly fascinating characters.