Unlike Earth, where the Moon orbits the planet, Pluto and Charon orbit each other, forming a binary system that is more ...
It's the late 1990s. Lloyd Hackel and Brent Dane are researchers in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL) laser ...
Researchers and engineers who require vacuum environments for their projects can simplify their design process and achieve better results by collaborating with the technology experts at Agilent ...
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei peered through his newly improved 20-power homemade telescope at the planet Jupiter. He ...
Scientists at Brown University have discovered a new class of quantum particles known as fractional excitons, which exhibit ...
Amid the many mysteries of quantum physics, subatomic particles don't always follow the rules of the physical world. They can ...
Even once researchers can reliably get more power out of a fusion reaction than they put in, they’ll still need to overcome ...
The Mars Sample Return mission has been ranked as the highest priority by planetary scientists, who hope to find signs of ...
Semi-Dirac fermions, massless in one direction and massive in another, were discovered in ZrSiS crystals, offering exciting ...
New models reveal Pluto and Charon may have spent some of their early history locked together in an embrace after a grazing collision.
Johns Hopkins APL researchers are contributing to the development of a mobile cellular system that can be installed in a ...