Based on the best-selling novel by JP Delaney, originally set in London, the ITV adaptation was based in Cornwall for its ...
James McArdle reveals why he relished getting his teeth into his latest role as manipulative Miles in Playing Nice ...
The Scottish actor, 35, stars alongside James Norton, Niamh Algar and Jessica Brown Findlay in the gripping series, which ...
The Happy Valley star, 39, who is also executive producer on the show, recently addressed criticism of Playing Nice’s ...
Star of Playing Nice and Happy Valley James Norton was spotted walking around central London in the past few days.
James McArdle and Downtown Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay. But despite being dubbed a “fantastic” mini-series, fans have more questions than answers about the show's ending, which saw Miles ...
It's not often you watch a TV show and long for a lawyer to show up, but that's exactly what happened with ITV's new 'prestige drama' Playing Nice (ITV, Sun/Mon, 9pm).