Adolescents with amblyopia exert significantly less energy through physical activity, making them more susceptible to BMI elevations.
Open-globe injury surgical repair conducted within the first 24 hours may reduce the risk of postoperative endophthalmitis.
Neuropathic corneal pain (NCP), compared with dry eye disease (DED), is more debilitating in terms of patients’ quality of life (QoL), pain severity, and symptom frequency, according to research ...
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy therapy with anti-VEGF injections can have better short-terms visual outcomes compared with laser therapy.
IOP-lowering eyedrops produce very low overall risk for cystoid macular edema, and prostaglandin analogs may show least likelihood among four common drug classes. Patients starting an intraocular ...
In patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, early postpartum weight change affects risk for hospital readmission. Early postpartum weight change is associated with risk for hospital ...
Patients with diabetes being managed with GLP-1R agonists can expect a slight decrease in intraocular pressure. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist therapy used for the treatment of ...
Patients aged between 40 and 49 years, heterosexual patients, and patients diagnosed in the emergency department are the least likely patient groups to complete syphilis treatment. Only slightly more ...
Among non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic Asia, Hispanic/Latino, and non-Hispanic White patients with relapsing MS who were enrolled in the ASCLEPIOS I and II trials, ofatumumab vs teriflunomide was more ...
Patients with thyroid peroxidase antibodies were at an elevated risk for progression from gestational subclinical hypothyroidism to overt hypothyroidism postpartum. The presence of thyroid peroxidase ...
Among patients with stroke, the application of high-dose theta-burst stimulation to improve upper extremity motor function is efficacious and safe. High-dose theta-burst stimulation is safe and ...