Bubble use evolved in many small invertebrates to enable underwater breathing, but, until recently, there has been no evidence that vertebrate animals use bubbles in a similar manner. Only one group ...
In the Standard Model of particle physics, the masses of the carriers of the weak interaction, the W and Z bosons, are uniquely related. Physics beyond the Standard Model can change this relationship ...
Using images from the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft, planetary scientists have spotted a fresh volcano with multiple lava flows and volcanic deposits covering an area about 180 x ...
These giant, hot bubbles of gas on the surface of R Doradus are approximately 75 times the size of our Sun, according to a paper published in the journal Nature. R Doradus is located approximately 178 ...
Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is one of the most isolated inhabited places in the world. It has captured the imagination of many owing to its archaeological record, which includes megalithic ...
Archaeologists have identified a 2.7-km- (1.7-mile) long Roman defensive wall and ditch — initially constructed by the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus to contain the Thracian gladiator and slave ...
Archaeologists have discovered an ancient submerged stone bridge in Genovesa Cave on Mallorca, the main island of the Balearic Archipelago and the sixth largest in the Mediterranean Sea. The discovery ...
A team of researchers from Finland and Norway has identified two potential antivirulence compounds for enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infections among bacterial metabolites harvested from ...
NGC 261 is a diffuse emission nebula located approximately 200,000 light-years away in the constellation of Tucana. Also known as Bruck 42, ESO 29-12 or IRAS 00447-7322, the object was discovered on ...
Named Haliotis pirimoana, the newly-identified gastropod species is only found at Manawatāwhi Three Kings Islands, off New Zealand’s North Island. Abalones (family Haliotidae) are herbivorous marine ...
The impact of inter-group conflict on population dynamics has long been debated, especially for prehistoric and non-state societies. In their work, scientists from the Complexity Science Hub, the ...
Paleontologists from the University of New South Wales have unearthed the fossilized remains of three new species in the thylacinid genera Badjcinus, Nimbacinus, and Ngamalacinus in the Upper ...