Routh, 58, was arrested on Sunday hours after he aimed an AK-style rifle at Trump from a makeshift sniper’s nest.
Once again, former President Donald Trump is talking about his candidacy as if he doesn’t have a presidency we can refer to.
The Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza called on the US, UK and Europe to strengthen their resolve against his country's ...
President Joe Biden is opening a busy stretch Friday tending to international allies anxious about where U.S. foreign policy ...
Either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will be the next commander-in-chief of the United States military forces. Article II, ...
In the United States and Europe, there is growing uncertainty about how to counter Putin’s aggression without stoking a ...
Isn’t it about time for media editors, journalists, writers and news readers to cease and desist their normalizing Donald ...
This isn’t run-of-the-mill political spin, the kind of statistic-twisting and accomplishment-exaggerating that political ...
There are an estimated 758,000 Polish Americans in Pennsylvania, one of the so-called "blue wall" states that are critical to ...
Donald Trump's joint appearance with Polish President Andrzej Duda in the battleground state of Pennsylvania has been ...